
Auto Locksmith Macclesfield

0800 169 3442 07966986939

Car keys in all SK,M and WA postcodes

Have you had your car keys stolen? broken them or lost? we can help with that .


Unfortunately in this day and age people will try and take something that has been worked very hard for like your home and vehicles.Due to high car theft in europe and asia the immobiliser was introduced in the early 1990's. This stopped the infamous black cap situation and meant that vehicles could only be driven with the original key(s).This meant the burglar was now having to come into your home where you feel safe to take the key(s) for your beloved vehicle which is your's.We have worked with the local police and surrounding neighbourhoods to try and eliminate this from our local communities. But sometimes you might find yourself in this situation. Don't worry we can make keys to your vehicle and re programme the immobiliser and ecu on your car so the culprit(s) can not drive the vehicle, we can also re-key the locks on all doors nd ignitions so the old key won't work at all. Many insurance companies have different policies so please check your documents.



Lost car keys

  • If you have been unfortunate enough to lose your keys don't panic.

  • Our expertly trained locksmiths work 24hrs a day 365 days a year.


  • We are registered with tameside trading tradards buy with confidence scheme.

Stolen car keys

  • If you have had your keys stolen for your home or car call us immediately.


  • We can respond within the hour and replace locks and keys for any door.


  • We Provide detailed receipts for insurance claims as we are recommended by many.

Keys made for lorries,motorbikes,cars and vans

We understand that you lose your keys and it was the only key that was left for your car, bike or front door . Don't worry leeds auto locksmiths can come to your rescue and open the required lock and make a new key to that specific lock. A service that is available on site 24hrs a day 365 days a year we understand it is hard to find someone that is going to give you a good service for a good price.